
Children’s Aid Society is funded through several different sources including state and federal grants, private fees, government subsidies, and generous contributions from the community. Most of these sources do not cover all of the costs to support each program. Fundraising is the only source of income for our Youth Mentoring program. Donations for current operating expenses are always needed and greatly appreciated.

There are many ways to help Children’s Aid Society serve children and families:

  • Make a one-time gift to a specific program
  • Remember us in your will
  • Offer an annual gift
  • Offer an “in-kind” donation of services
  • Donate through the state EITC program

One-time or annual gifts for specific programs or general operating funds are accepted on a year round basis. You can easily donate online or mail a check to the address below. 

Children’s Aid Society participates in Walmart Sparkgood where donors can see our lists, make purchases and have it shipped directly to us. Donors can also join our round up program where online and app purchases are round up in the form of donations to our agency. Click the button below to see our Walmart Sparkgood page.

Consider making a bequest to “Children’s Aid Society in Clearfield County” in your will. (There are other Children’s Aid Societies in other counties and states.) Bequests support our endowment fund, which ensures our long term future. We also have an endowment fund through the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation.

In-kind donations of services or products (advertising, maintenance, office supplies, etc.) are accepted on an as-needed basis. Please contact us for more information.

To make a donation by check or money order, please make it payable to Children’s Aid Society in Clearfield County and mail to:

Children’s Aid Society
1008 S. 2nd St.
Clearfield, PA 16830

The Clearfield County Charitable Foundation accepts donations for Children’s Aid Society through their website and clicking on our fund or by check made payable to Clearfield County Charitable Foundation/Children’s Aid Society and mailed to Clearfield County Charitable Foundation, PO Box 1442, Clearfield PA 16830.

We have been approved as an “educational improvement organization” in the 2023-24 PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program for our Youth Mentoring program. Approved businesses who donate through this program may be able to receive a tax credit. For more information visit EITC Tax Credit Program

Thank you for your donation!